Satellite Event on Language and Cognition
The line-up for our satellite event on Language and Cognition has been finalised, join us on the 4th of September for an interesting set of talks. Remember this event is free for all conference attendees!
9.40 AM: Director gives an opening talk
1. Current understanding of human semantic cognition
9.45 AM: Beth Jefferies (University of York)
10.10 AM: Paul Hoffman (University of Edinburgh)
10.35 AM: Richard Binney (Bangor University)
11.00 AM: JeYoung Jung (University of Nottingham)
11.25 – 11.40 AM: BREAK (15min)
2. Language, speech and brain oscillations
11.40 AM: Benedikt Zoefel (MRC CBU)
12.05 PM: Hyojin Park (University of Birmingham)
12.30 PM: Tobias Reichenbach (Imperial College London)
12.55 – 2.15 PM: LUNCH BREAK (1h and 20 minutes)
3. Multilingual language perception and production
2.15 PM: Clara Martin (BCBL)
2.40 PM: Esti Blanco Elorrieta (NYU)
3.05 PM: Alexis Hervais Adelman (University of Zurich)
3.30 PM: Francesca Branzi (MRC CBU)
3.55 PM: Ending & Drinks